Study in Belgium
Study in Belgium
Belgium is a country in Western Europe that borders the North Sea.
Annual reports by economic organization OECD report rank Belgium’s education among the top 10 countries, with students performing above average in science, mathematics, and reading. Many Belgian universities offer scholarships to international students, and international students are able to study in Belgium for free by getting these scholarships.
Why should you study in Belgium?
- Study in the heart of Europe.
- Belgium is home to the headquarters of the European Union
- English is widely spoken throughout Belgium (on top of the other 3 official languages, Dutch, French, and German)
- Belgians are known for being open-minded and are always excited to meet non-Belgians.
- One of the top education systems in the world.
- Very low and affordable tuition fees.
- Famous for chocolate, fries, and waffles.
- Job opportunities are 20 hours/ week.
- Scholarship opportunities.
- Many job opportunities.
- 1 Year Post Study Work (PSW) opportunities after finishing the degree.
- PR opportunities.
Popular Programs in Belgium-
- International Business Management
- International Business and Trade
- International Tourism and Leisure
- International Communication and Media
- Branding & Activation
- Public & Corporate Affairs
- International Media and Entertainment Business
- International Digital
- Product Architect
- Applied Computer Science
- Automotive Technology
- Data Science, Protection & Security
- Orthopaedic Technology
- Digital Arts and Entertainment
- Digital Design and Development
- Applied Computer Science – Major Cyber Security
Advanced Bachelor:
- Bioinformatics
- Creative Technologies & AI
Post Graduate Diploma:
- International Teacher
- Space and Service Design
- Certificate Programme in African Business Studies
Questions & Answers
- There are 2 intakes in a year. Autumn and Spring intake.
- To apply for Master’s: Students need 4 years of Bachelor’s degree to apply for a Master’s.
- To apply for Bachelor’s: Students need 12 classes of education to apply for a Bachelor.
- To apply for Master’s: You’ll need an IELTS score of 6.5; no band less than 5.5 to study in Belgium. However, you might get the exemption if you have studied in an English-speaking country like the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
- To apply for Bachelor’s: Most universities require IELTS 5.5- 6.0 score. It varies from University to university.
- The tuition fees vary from university to university. Usually, it starts from €6000-€8000 per year.
- You can apply for university scholarships in Belgium.
Partner Universities in Belgium

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